AI for real estate investment professionals

No more missed opportunities. Reliable investment analysis and unparalleled data insights in minutes, not days.
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Missed opportunities
Automated screening
Manual data entry
Data extraction
Siloed data
Knowledge retention
Legacy models
Flexible analysis
Robust modelling
Incomplete data
Unparalleled insights
Optimal resource allocation
Updating the pipeline
Streamlined process

Tired of tedious deal screening?

Say goodbye to missed deals because of limited bandwidth.

Built AI is your competitive edge to make sure you analyse the best opportunities.
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Faster analysis = Increased deal capacity

Financial modelLing

Automated financial analysis

  • Get a comprehensive cash flow model and analysis, tailored to your own set of assumptions, in minutes.
  • Intuitive interface to build complex scenarios and business plans.
  • No more human errors or faulty legacy models. Built AI ensures consistent and robust financial modelling, giving your team peace of mind.
Financial modeLling

Instant business plan visualisation

  • Instantly map out all leasing events happening throughout your hold period.
  • Build your business plan confidently with an overview of risks and opportunities at your fingertip.

Better assumptions with
unparalleled data insights

Market data

  • Direct access to the database of 200+ brokers to identify leasing and investment comparable transactions.
  • Keep your finger on the pulse of the market by identifying spaces and assets currently marketed.
  • Download brochures to have a granular view behind the numbers.

Institutional memory

  • Leverage the data goldmine sleeping in your inbox or in your folders.
  • Automatically maintain a comprehensive record of all data from any deal that has entered your pipeline.
  • Ensure continuity of knowledge even when team members move on.
Share deals

Optimal collaboration

Eliminate data-silos and endless attachment lists. Share your deal analysis with partners and third parties in 1 click.

Real reviews, real results

Arthur Cole-Fontayn
Investment Manager
We have been using Built AI for a couple of years and it has integrated well into our screening process. Alongside traditional methods, Built AI is a powerful value-add tool that triangulates various data sources to provide an initial deal assessment.
Investment Professional
Built AI is a fantastic tool to expedite the due diligence process. We find it saves us a huge amount of time, and with less human-error risk. The Built AI team is always available and are great to work with.
Dan Cohen
Built AI has been a game-changer for Tuatara Real Estate, revolutionising the way we analyse deals for our clients. Its rapid data analysis has significantly expedited our decision-making processes, ensuring swift responses to market dynamics. Furthermore, its user-friendly interface has made it seamlessly integrated into our workflow, simplifying complex tasks. Most importantly, our clients have embraced this innovation, appreciating the efficiency and precision it brings to their real estate experiences. AI has truly become an indispensable asset, propelling our business to new heights.
David Kershaw
Group Real Estate Director
Built AI has helped streamline our introduction appraisal process and given additional bandwidth to our investment team through provision of a virtual analyst, allowing more time and flexibility in scenario analysis to optimise our proposals; the personal attention and support from Natan, Firoz and the wider support team is thoroughly impressive.
Paul Nearchou
Managing Director
Built AI has enhanced our investment process, combining speed with reliability. It is an essential tool for any forward-thinking investment professional seeking a competitive edge
Adam Dessoky
Built AI has revolutionized the way we approach our investment strategies. With its swift and dependable insights, it’s become an indispensable asset for any visionary investor wanting to stay ahead in the game.

Now, spend your time where it truly matters

Besides making sure you underwrite the best opportunities, we free up your team's time to focus on the areas where human touch is irreplaceable.
Sourcing more deals
Dive deeper into market dynamics and forge new relationships, paving the way for broader opportunities.
Strategic decision making
With streamlined operations and less manual tasks, we facilitate a clear path for your team to focus on strategic decision making.
Strengthen investor relations
Highlight your dedication to embracing technology and harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

Built by real estate people for real estate people

We are a team of seasoned real estate investment professionals and data scientists on a mission. Our goal is to empower real estate professionals with the technology to assist every property decision, at every step of the asset lifecycle.

We believe in leveraging artificial intelligence to transform the real estate industry, redefining property as a more efficient, transparent and liquid asset class.